Strategy: There’s a lot going on in the final minutes of the
pre-start, and a keen eye to what’s happening up the course and with
your own sails can help you recognize, and react to, a last-minute
The best way to recognize an approaching windshift during the
closing minutes of a prestart is to observe other boats upwind on the
course, but if you’re the only class on the racecourse, or the first to
start, windshift recognition starts with clues on your own boat, such as
changes to your sail trim as you parallel the line, a jib that suddenly
luffs, or a different angle on your final approach to the line.
Observing shifts on boats up the course is best because it gives you
time to react, whereas signs on your own boat mean you’re already
experiencing the new wind, giving you less time to execute a change of
plan. Either way, if you have time left in the sequence, you can
capitalize on the shift. The key is quick reaction.
A perfect example of this once happened to me at a Melges 24 regatta.
There were 54 boats on the starting line, and we were near the middle
of the line; the committee boat was heavily favored. Everyone was
stacked up near the committee boat, so our plan was to start to the left
of the group and sail fast with a good lane. As we were waiting on
starboard with one minute to go, the jib went from luffing over the port
side of the bow to luffing directly in the middle, slapping against the
“Are we head-to-wind?” I asked.
“Yes, I think we are!” the skipper answered.
It was a huge left shift, and my first thoughts were, “Is this real? Will it hold? Can we be this lucky?”
Our original plan had been conservative, but we called an audible and
went big, given that we were just handed a great new set of
circumstances: the entire fleet bunched to our right, half the long
starting line wide open, and now a huge pin favor. We bore away and
sailed as fast as possible toward the pin. Our timing was perfect, and
we tacked at the pin, right at the gun. The left shift held, and we
crossed most of the fleet by more than 50 meters.
Sure, we were lucky to be to leeward of the pack and able to take
advantage of the shift, but it was an unforgettable lesson in how
important it is to closely watch your sails and their attitude toward
the wind, essentially using them as big tell tales.
Of course, we’re not always so lucky. At a different event we were
setting up to win the pin, which was favored, and while sailing by the
pin on port tack our sails were pretty eased (confirming it was pin-end
favored). Our sails started luffing—right shift. We had to trim them in
all the way, and now we were sailing upwind as we paralleled the line.
In that moment we went from being at the upwind, favored end of the line
to the downwind, unfavored end. Realizing the shift, we sailed as far
as we could toward the boat end and tacked to start about one-third away
from the pin, minimizing the damage.
These two scenarios highlight the importance of paying attention to
your sail trim before the start, but let’s revisit what you can learn by
watching other boats upwind on the course. A fleet that starts ahead
are literally “tell tales” spread out across the course giving you wind
directions. If you see a boat that’s bow up on starboard, they’re likely
in a right shift. If they’re bow up on port, they’re probably in a left
shift. If you see the leaders of a fleet ahead jibe setting around the
weather mark, you can bet they’re in a right shift at the top of the
Also, if you think the pin is favored and you see someone sail upwind
off the committee boat end (as a practice run) the angle at which
they’re sailing can tell you if you’re right. For example, if their bow
is up big time, they are in a right shift, and the boat is favored. If
they are aiming toward the pin, they’re in a left shift, and the pin is
favored. If they are sailing 45 degrees off the line, the line is
My rule of thumb is that, if boats are sailing roughly 45 degrees off
the line as they sail upwind, the line is square, and I should start
based on my upwind plan: to the left of center if I like the left, or to
the right of center if I like the right. If boats are bow up, the boat
is favored, and I will gravitate toward the right side of the line. If
boats are bow down as they sail closehauled, I will hedge toward the
pin. If you see someone sailing upwind, and their angle is different
than the angles you’ve been seeing, there’s a last-minute shift, and you
may need to change your plan.
The shiftier the venue the more likely you’ll see a last-minute
shift. This happens often on small lakes, or in offshore winds when the
course location is close to land. In these scenarios it can be safe to
start near the middle of the line. With the mid-line start you’re not
fully out of the race if a shift happens either direction. You may not
win the race, but you’ll spare yourself a trip to the basement. When
starting in the middle, if you find yourself lifted off the line, sail
fast until you get headed (no need to pinch). If you come off the line
severely headed in a lefty, try to tack to port as soon as possible.
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